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Holyland 2020 Group Departures

Thursday, July 21, 2011

updated: aug15,2012

Confused how to apply for a SCHENGEN VISA? 
Here are some tips:

1. Know where is your entry point. If you are going to all the schengen countries know your entry point. Example you will enter at GERMANY, and will stay 2days in austria, 2days in greece, 2days in france, etc. You will apply your visa at Germany Embassy.,

2. Know where you will be staying most.This is a confusion to some of the applicants, the embassy is also counting how many days are you staying in their country. Example, if you will enter at Germany and stay there 2 days, then go to France and stay 10 days, Then you will apply at France embassy.

3. Most of the embassy requires appointment and personal appearance in order to process your applications. 


you can apply to any of these countries and enter to the 25 countries listed.
following 25 countries are currently active Schengen Visa members
1. Austria
2. Belgium
3. Czech Republic
4. Denmark
5. Estonia
6. Finland
7. France
8. Germany
9. Greece
10. Hungary
11. Iceland
12. Italy
13. Latvia
21. Slovakia
22. Slovenia
23. Spain
24. Sweden
25. Switzerland

All Schengen countries are in Europe. However, it should not be confused with the EU (European Union). Schengen and European Union are two different agreements between European countries. A total of 30 countries, including all European Union countries (except Ireland and United Kingdom) and three non-EU members (Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland) have signed the Schengen agreement. However, only 15 countries have implemented the common border control and visa provisions.

Important: The Schengen Visa holders are not allowed to live permanently or work in Europe
example of schengen visa.
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